Welcome to VoxVersa!

This application allows you to upload audio files and get them transcribed into text. You can easily manage and review all your transcriptions in one place. Our app is user-friendly and efficient, ensuring that you get accurate transcriptions quickly.

How It Works

1. Upload Audio: Select and upload your audio files to the app.
2. Automatic Transcription: Our advanced AI will transcribe the audio into text in real-time.
3. Review: You can review, edit, and save the transcriptions as needed.
4. Manage: All your transcriptions are stored safely and are easily accessible for future reference.

Templates and Dictations

Our system allows you to streamline your document creation process:


Easily upload your Word document templates with tags that define content placement.

Ensure every template includes the tag {message_body}.


Drag and drop audio dictations for automatic transcription.

Create documents from transcriptions with automatic formatting based on templates.

Collaborate with AI to improve accuracy and efficiency.